Masuk Daftar

bermalas-malasan - bahasa Inggris

  • bermalas-malasan:    dilly-dallied over; dilly-dally over;
  • -:    -; "
  • bermalas-malasan:    dilly-dallied over; dilly-dally over; dilly-dallying over; idle; loaf; loafer; loll; lolled; lolling; slouch; slouched; slouching
  • duduk bermalas-malasan:    sitting about
  • malas-malasan:    loll; lounge
  • bermalas-malas:    goldbrick; goldbricked; goldbricking; laze; lazed; lazing; loaf about; loafed about; loafing about; lounge around; twiddle one’s thumbs; go over; mill around; lallygag; tarry; arse around; discharge
  • orang bermalas-malas:    loafer; loon
  • bermandikan:    bathe
  • bermalam:    overnight; pass the night; passed the night; passing the night; spent the night; stay overnight; stay the night; sleep over; lie down; spend the night; sleep; stay over
  • bermanfaat:    all to the good; beneficial; came in handly; came in useful; coming in handly; coming in useful; expedient; of benefit; useful; utilitarian; worthwhile; help; helpfully; good; advantageous; utile; f
  • bermaksud untuk:    have an eye to; having an eye to
  • bermanfaat bagi:    benefit
  • bermaksud untu:    had an eye to
  • bermani ilir, kepahiang:    bermani ilir